Gentleman’s Facial

Gentlemen need facials, too. Men face a wide range of skin concerns, such as textural problems due to continued exposure to the sun, shaving burns and irritations, and generally dull or uneven skin. Men also have special requirements because the male skin has unique characteristics needing special attention.

 Gentleman’s Facial

The Gentleman’s Facial is an aromatic, deep cleansing, and hydrating treatment designed specifically to address male skincare needs. We use a highly-calibrated concoction of products that cleanse the skin pores, removing all the impurities and debris from deep within your skin. The skincare products also hydrate your skin to restore a natural glow. Once the impurities are removed, we provide a cooling mask that soothes and alleviates the shaving burns and irritations.

Each individual is unique — while men have unique skin characteristics, each individual has unique cosmetic concerns, such as acne, pigmentation problems, etc. Our skincare providers curate the ideal ingredients for your specific needs. We also recommend the ideal facial treatment frequency for lasting results.

Key Highlights:

  • Treats: Textural irregularities and shaving irritations

  • Occasions: Regular use for men

  • Duration: 45 minutes

  • Cost: $145

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