What is the Exact Order You Should Apply Your Skincare Products

 What is the Exact Order You Should Apply Your Skincare Products

You know the feeling, right? You've purchased numerous skincare products over the years, they sit on your bathroom counter and you wonder if you are using them correctly. Or, you just met with your favorite skin health expert at Skin Matrx, bought the recommended products for your concerns, arrived home, and forgot what order to apply them.

Let's face it, it happens all the time. Then you think, does it really matter? I mean they're all good for my skin, right? Well, we are here to tell you, It Does Matter. Using your products in the wrong order can render them totally ineffective, or worse yet, irritate your skin.

  1. Rules To Follow For Your Skin Care Steps

While it might seem complicated, layering your skincare products is a lot easier than you might think. As a general rule, start with the lightest consistency to the richest. Also, keep in mind the function of each product. Certain ones prep the skin for targeted treatments, think serums and help them absorb better and balance out your skin. Finish with those that seal and protect for healthy, glowing skin.

  1. The Exact Order To Apply Your Skincare Products

  1. Toner - This provides soothing hydration and removes any lingering oil, dirt, and debris left behind after cleansing. A great first step to prime your skin for optimal absorption of subsequent products.

  2. Serums - These are the heavy lifters in your skincare routine, providing concentrated, targeted ingredients to protect, brighten, and hydrate the skin.

  3. Eye Cream - This delicate area often gets left behind but it's usually the first area that shows signs of aging.

  4. Moisturizer - Dry or oily, the proper moisturizer is essential to lock in moisture and protect your natural skin barrier, keeping your complexion strong and healthy.

  5. SPF - This should be the last, and arguably, the most important step in any skincare routine.  Both mineral and physical screens help block harmful UVA/UVB rays from penetrating the skin and causing premature aging, sun damage, and skin cancer.

Applying the right products for your skin type and concern, and in the proper order, will give you an easy to stick to routine for healthy, glowing skin.

Want to build a personalized skin care routine but don’t know where to start? At Skin Matrx one of our skin health experts is here to help.