Are Chemical Peels the Secret to Beautiful Skin?

Are Chemical Peels the Secret to Beautiful Skin?

"Chemical peels are the fastest way to show off that beautiful glow. A lineless, spotless, flawless complexion is hiding beneath the surface of your skin" - Jennifer D. Allen

What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels are a cosmetic skin-resurfacing and exfoliating procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layers. They are performed to rejuvenate the appearance of the skin and encourage new, younger-looking skin to grow. That sounds exciting, right?

In 2016, chemical peels surpassed laser hair removal and became the #3 most requested non-surgical procedure, just behind Botox and hyaluronic acid fillers.

Chemical peels are used to treat:


*Acne + PIH to improve scarring

*Aging skin

*Hyper-pigmentation and Melasma

*Pore reduction

*Mild Rosacea

*Dry rough body areas

Chemical Peels Offered at Skin Matrx?

Superficial Peels: Using a mild alpha or beta-hydroxy acid, depending on skin type and concern, this treatment is used to penetrate only the outer layer of the skin for gentle exfoliation. It is used to improve dull and dry or rough skin, as well as mild discoloration. You leave feeling refreshed with smoother skin. And the best part, most people experience little to no actual peeling.

Deep Peel: Our Trichloroacetic acid, or TCA for short, the peel is applied to deeply penetrate the middle layer of the skin and treat skin discolorations, wrinkles, and scarring. Our TCA peel can also revitalize dull-looking skin, helping skin look soft and smooth. Mild to moderate redness may occur with moderate peeling lasting between 7-10 days.

Medium Depth Peel: The Perfect Derma™ Peel is a medical-grade peel designed to revitalize the skin and stimulate new collagen production for all skin types and ethnicities. The Perfect Derma™ Peel exclusive formulation, which includes the master antioxidant Glutathione, provides superior results for aging skin, acne, melasma, hyper-pigmentation, and many common skin concerns.  Mild to moderate peeling can be expected for about a week.

How Do You Prepare For A Chemical Peel?

If you've decided that healthy, better-looking skin from a chemical peel is something you are interested in achieving, there are a few things you should do to properly prepare for your procedure. Depending on the depth of the peel, your skin type, and concern(s), you will achieve the best possible results by adhering to the following guidelines one to three weeks pre-treatment:

  • *Discontinue other exfoliation ingredients and methods

  • *Stop using Anti-Aging or Anti-Acne topicals and medications

  • *Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and stop using any products that may be drying out your skin

  • *Do not receive Botox or dermal fillers

  • *Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds

  • *Do not shave

  • *Use a bleaching cream prescribed by your doctor as instructed!